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"BluePrintReview is an online journal constructed to ease the complex and beautiful convergence of language and art and all the possibilities this entails." - NewPages.com

The first issue of BluePrintReview went live in May 2005. Since the beginning, BluePrintReview explores unexpected connections between texts and images from unrelated places. The first issues mainly feature poetry, flash fiction, and photography.

With a growing number issues, BluePrintReview developed a broader spectrum of formats that includes non-fiction, art, short stories, and formats that don't fit precise categories. Edited by German author, traveller and web freelancer Dorothee Lang, BluePrintReview published 29 issues so far, with #30 now in process.

BluePrintReview highlights and special issues:

- issue 27: "synergetic transformation": issue of collaborations

- issue 24: "micro cosmos": flash fiction issue

- issue 22: "re /visit /cycle /turn": the issue of republished content

- issue 10: "time pause change": first theme issue

Stories first published in BluePrintReview have been included in the "best of the net online" anthology by Sundress Publications, in the Dzanc Books "Best of the Web" anthology, and in the storySouth Million Writers Top10 list.

BluePrintReview Projects
Apart from the BluePrintReview issues, there are 2 other projects that are related to BluePrintReview:


twitter + facebook

BluePrintReview is on facebook and twitter:



Please note that submissions are closed.


blueprint blog + contributor blogroll

notes about blueprintreview can be found in the blueprintreview blog, together with additional texts and images: BluePrintReview blog

there is also a blogroll that features current blog posts of blueprint contributors: blueprint blog roll

& there also is a wikipedia-entry on blueprintreview (which needs some updating).



blueprintreview is edited by Dorothee Lang, Germany.
you can find more about her in
blueprint21 or her blog

contact: editor AT blueprintreview DOT de


blueprint book blog

the blueprint book + lit blog explores + celebrates the landscape of small+indie presses and literary online projects with regular features. Sometimes it ventures into related areas (film, etc): "The site looks beyond the usual prizewinners to showcase innovative writers and publishers." - WinningWriters


blueprint project: language/place blog carnival

To create a collaborate cyber journey that features international perspectives on language and place - that's the concept of this collaborate blueprint project.
Main page: language/place blog carnival


BluePrintReview concept

the 4 concepts of this e-zine
1) texts and images are from unrelated places
2) themes for future issues develop through the work on the current issue.
3) there is no deadline or timetable - an issue goes online when it feels complete
4) all rules can be broken



(don't ask. this is to satisfy some german web laws)

Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller externer Links auf dieser Website. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf der "BluePrintReview"- Homepage angebrachten weiterführenden inks, und umfasst auch das zugehörige Blog "just a moment"