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The Process & Bios

Notes on "Ship-to-Shore" + "Red Island Rocks"
by Mary Duffy + Paddy Barry

In the 1960's during the resettlement program, many families were relocated from their beloved island homes. Mary's family was one of these. Her family had lived on Red Island for generations and was one of the last to leave, only after all services to the island had been cut off.

Paddy Barry's father grew up on Red Island and Paddy recently revisited. These photos combine images from both Red Island and Fogo Island, another one of Paddy's spiritual island homes. Our words and images combine to recreate our island home.

Words: Mary Duffy
Photos: Paddy Barry



Mary Duffy is a librarian and Vice President of Pandora's Collective. She was a child during the resettlemet process that emptied many of the Newfoundland islands of their people.

Paddy Barry lives in St. Johns, Newfoundland. He is a musician, printer and photographer.


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. .BluePrintReview - issue 27 - Synergetic Transformations