cold outside. It's so cold outside that it's even cold inside
this house. Too cold for the old walls, the old windows, the
old heating. But I guess this house has seen darker nights
and colder days. It's a very old house, survived two world
wars, and it has its share of bruises and scars.
tales to tell. So many people lived inside this house - mothers,
fathers, sisters, daughters, grandchildren. So many people
lived and slept here, talked and worked here, loved and dreamed
here. Although I never met them, I sometimes think of them
when I walk up and down the old wooden stairs that lead upstairs
and downstairs. Like this morning, when I woke up early for
no visible reason, wondering why I was so bright awake when
it was so dark outside. When I decided to get up, cause I
liked the idea of seeing dawn, and didn't feel like going
back to sleep anyway.
I wandered through the house while the world outside was still
sleeping. Took a cup of tea upstairs with me, and sat there,
watched the nightsky turning into a daysky. Listened to this
old house that never seems to sleep, where you always can
hear some floor crackling, some door creaking, some heating
moaning, as if the house was speaking with itself, like old
people speak with themselves. Not talking loud, cause they
already have the answers. You can be scared by it if you want
to, but you also can enjoy this woodtalk.
is a little bit like running through the woods alone. Another
thing I did this morning, in the cold. Something that feels
like a punishment if you are forced to do it. Something that
feels like crystal-clear pleasure if you want to do it. The
air so clear and cold that the sunlight seemed to freeze in
pastel colours. I really felt like walking in a painting,
with the soft snow under my feet sparkling like fresh painted
colour, and the forest looking like a magic wood. With me
being a part of this forest for some timeless minutes, a winter-fairy,
a wood-runner. With the forest whispering to me in a hundred
voices, whisteling, squeaking, rustling, cracking. And me
wishing I could understand more of this woodtalk.
(words: Dorothee Lang, Germany; picture: mira, France)
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