Jónas Knútsson

Jónas Knútsson is a filmmaker, journalist and translator. He holds a BFA in film from the New York University and a BA in classics and English literature. He lives in Reykjavik, Island.

Currently he's at work on an Icelandic translation of Cicero's Catilinarian speeches.

You can contact Jónas Knútsson at:
jonask AT internet DOT is

Selected Stories:

Days of Awe - Loch Raven Review

King for a Day - The New Storyteller

Streets of Reykjavik - BluePrintReview

Viddi and The Bucharest Brawler - ThugLit Magazine

Visiting Frank Rogers - Cherry Bleeds

Soirée Ambiguë - BluePrintReview

Gypsy Girls - Travelers' Tales

The Disapproval - The Write Side Up

Conqueror, Winter & Pale Spring - Sein und Werden

The Dark Leopards of the Moon - Peccary Magazine

The Downside of Fame - Apollo's Lyre