

Lys Anzia, New Mexico
Nicolas Baltazar, Canada

Sheila Bolda, Georgia
Gerry George, Texas

Efrat Havusha, Israel
Sharon Lim, London
Barbara Luik, Germany
Melinda Martinez, Louisiana
Smitha Murthy, India
Swapna Prabhakaran, Canada
Craig Snyder, Michigan
Steve Wing, Florida
Eric Wrisley, Ohio

Dorothee Lang, Germany

More words and pictures
from the contributors and the editor
can be found in just a moment

The pictures
cover: Stuttgart airport, Germany
butterfly effect: Autobahn A6, Germany
spinning: Galerie der Gegenwart, Hamburg, Germany
bluebonnet: street in Bangkok, Thailand
Past 22:00: Stanstead airport, UK
Softening: the editor's front yard, Germany
morning mark: Alsterbridge, Hamburg, Germany
sleep: Alachua County, Florida
NY City mugger: petryglyph, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

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