


issue #18 - Origin and End

the new issue of blueprintreview is online. #18 it is, and boy has the zine matured from its first steps in May 2005. back then, blueprintreview consisted of a handful of pages, constructed of passages from e-mails friends and strangers had sent, texts and images that originally weren't meant to be published. (if you want to risk the peek, here the link into the past: issue 1)

now, 17 issues later, blueprintreview comes with 14 pages full of stories, poems, photos and art, and with an additional blog, to have some more experimental space. submissions arrive in surprise waves, and now are reaching a level that led to a temporary closing, to give me a chance to keep up with the flow.

and even though 18 is a lot, it still feels blueprintreview is yet on its way, far from reaching an ending point. every issue is different, a journey from a blank page to a full file. this one starts with a big bang, and with a drive from Eden to Erie. and just like Coming and Going, this brief reflection on the flow of time, each text connects with another and takes the original theme a step further on the way through the issue, towards an open closure.

here the link to the starting point:
blueprintreview – origin & end




Greta Aart, France
Marcia Arrieta, California - indefinite space
Chris Bowen, Ohio - burning river
Broken Gopher Ink - website

Jeff Crouch, Texas - more
Tai Dong Huai, Conneticut
Brad D. Green, Texas - elevatetheordinary
Cheryl Hicks, Texas - imagewarehouse
Jónas Knútsson, Iceland - more
Swati Nair, India
Chen Pingping, China
Jadon Rempel, Canada - more
Peter Schwartz, Maine - Sitrah Ahra
Fariel Shafee, USA - The other side of the moon
Indrayudh Shome, India/NewYork - contact
Gregory F. Tague, New York - website
Steve Wing, Florida - more
Diana J. Wynne, California - The Daily Interface

Dorothee Lang, Germany -

more words and pictures
from the contributors and the editor
can be found in just a moment
and in the bookshelf

the 4 concepts of this e-zine
1) texts and images are from unrelated places
2) there is no given theme - each issue develops its own theme through submissions
3) there is no deadline or timetable - an issue goes online when it feels complete
4) all rules can be broken


submissions are currently closed. issue #19 - "Beyond the Silence" - will be up in January.
thanks to everyone who submitted.


Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller externer Links auf dieser Website. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf der "BluePrintReview"- Homepage angebrachten weiterführenden inks, und umfasst auch das zugehörige Blog "just a moment"



BluePrintReview - issue 18 - Origin & End
