


issue #19 - Beyond the Silence

the absence of sound. refusal or failure to speak out. a period of time without speech or noise.

and beyond the silence?
unified fields. and voids
. a terrible beauty. and a claustrophobic little boy. flowers. and a meeting with Oba-chan. the shape of grief. and the way it should be. the season's solace. and rain, rain... 

yes, this one is a vast issue, both in theme and in size. it also marks a new level: again, there was a new peak of submissions. plus, blueprintreview was listed as one of the 100 favorite online journals by the Women's Poetry Listserv. parallel to that, i received my first hate-mail. (karmic balance, i guess). 

here the shortcut: beyond the silence

and here the quick guide to the issue:  
to start the silence, erase all the sacred texts.
to end it, remember the things you know by heart.




Natalie Abadzis, London - byebyeballoon
Kimberly L. Becker, Maryland - more & more
April Michelle Bratten, North Dakota - more
Tyler Cobb, Minnesota - The Relapse
Jeff Crouch, Texas - more
Rodrigo V. Dela Peña Jr., Philippines

William Doreski, New Hampshire - blog
Lori Epperson, Texas - blog & photos
Christopher Graham, Pennsylvania - Backspace
Tim Hawkins, Michigan - more & more
Tammy Ho, HongKong - homepage
Jónas Knútsson, Iceland - more
Cathrine Lødøen, Norway - snapshots
Jim Meirose, New Jersey - more
Margot Miller, Maryland - Margot Miller
Smitha Murthy - Life Wordsmith
Swati Nair, India - birdy's world
Patrick M. Pilarski, Canada - website & DailyHaiku
Lisa Reade, Boston - more
Michelle Reale, Philadelphia
Jennifer Saunders, US/Switzerland - Magpie Days
Peter Schwartz, Maine - Sitrah Ahra
V. Ulea, Pennsylvania - Ulita.net
Steve Wing, Florida - more
Mercedes M. Yardley, US - abrokenlaptop

Dorothee Lang, Germany -

more words and pictures
from the contributors and the editor
can be found in just a moment
and in the bookshelf

the 4 concepts of this e-zine
1) texts and images are from unrelated places
2) there is no given theme - each issue develops its own theme through submissions
3) there is no deadline or timetable - an issue goes online when it feels complete
4) all rules can be broken


submissions are currently closed,
they will open again in February.


Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller externer Links auf dieser Website. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf der "BluePrintReview"- Homepage angebrachten weiterführenden inks, und umfasst auch das zugehörige Blog "just a moment"



BluePrintReview - issue 19 - Beyond the Silence
